
03/12/2014 07:40

sending secure email

Are you aware of potential security threats and how an unencrypted email can ruin your well-established business ? 

As online data theft affects everyone more and more firms realize the benefits of encrypted email solutions. It is important for you and your online business to understand these threats and how you can protect yourself from cyber criminals.

E-mail is one of the largest points of vulnerability within a firm, so following the required steps guided by MySecureZone will help you protect your company’s valuable information and ensure you’re not the next victim of a vicious email data theft.

SSL certification allows you to send secure email that is encrypted - non readable only for the sender & receiver thus messages in this form protect your sensitive personal informations.

MySecureZone team ensure your e-mail messages are protected by encryption from unauthorized viewing and preventing online data theft.

Find out how you can stay up-to-date on the changing web security landscape and why is secure web based email creation is most important to you and your business as well.

Step by step instructions how to register at MySecureZone - infographic
03/12/2014 07:28

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